Not true. Please do your research on these things before employing scare tactics that you read somewhere online. Your “boss”that is, the person you directly report to, will almost never (there are some exceptions in smaller companies or heavily regulated industries) have access to your device or have any MDM (mobile device management) console rights at all.
In large or corporate type companies (and in some small businesse s), MDM is usually handled by a dedicated team that works with sensitive user data. This team is almost always under a NDA (non disclosure agreement), and cannot disclose any data at all, let alone information gathered from an MDM platform.
Also, most MDM providers offer extensive audit logging in their products. Everything done by an administrator is logged. From logging into the console, to hitting the refresh button on the tracking portion of the software. Also, in most cases, there is no way for an MDM administrator to re-enable location services that have been disabled by the phone’s user. Now, are there exceptions? Probably. No system is perfect. But just to say that a user should not do any work on their phone is simply paranoia.
Users, talk to your IT teams about this, read the fine print in the documents before hitting the “agree” button, and do your own research instead of being influenced by online content whose writers have no experience in actually managing and working with the concepts they are writing about.